The Midlife Mama's Easy Guide To Hiring A Sensational Coach

From the moment you begin thinking about life's milestones as a young girl, you imagine what it'll be like on your wedding day, as a leader in your career, as a Mom.
But what happens when real life doesn't turn out ✨ as fairy tale ever after ✨ as you'd planned?
Cue distress and confusion, right? Which can spiral into...
Procrastination, perfectionism, self-doubt, lack of clarity, feelings of inadequacy, constant worry, overthinking, overwhelm, disconnect, resentment, feeling like you're just not enough, loss of purpose, guilt, shame, regret, loneliness, avoiding conflict, over-giving, not taking as good of care of yourself as you do for others, putting yourself last every time on every list, drained, tired, being a fixer or everyone else's challenges, taking too much on, having gone more than 3 days without enjoying yourself of having any fun.
Sound all too familiar?
When I started my soulfull journey, I never imagined the pure joy, connection, and abundance it would bring. Taking the leap from overwhelmed calamity to a peaceful, driven mama who enjoys each purpose-fueled day... didn't happen overnight.
But it did forever change how I approach motherhood, marriage, and myself.
Unexpectedly, putting that effort into myself reverberated into being the best thing I ever did for my marriage, my kids, and pretty much everyone in my life. Essentially? It was worth it! 😁 💫
You don't have to guess when it comes to liberating yourself from stress, frustration, and self-doubt, Mama. I'm absolutely obsessed with showing mamas how to tap into innate wisdom so that life becomes less "Who forgot to unload the dishwasher?" and more waking up feeling "Freaking YES, I'm soooo excited for this day!!!!"
When you're ready to take back the reigns and transform your life from blah to beautiful, inside and out, your #1 move is to get some guidance, Mama!
How do you choose? Where do you even find a coach? Are midlife women really working with personal coaches to get more out of life? All the answers are ahead...

5 Things You May Not Have Thought to Look For in a Coach 🧐
❥ Complimentary Vibe
This may seem like a joke or some cheese-aged-under-moonlight new-age nonsense, but it's legitimately serious and important. Stick with me!
Have you ever been complimented by a stranger and thought, "Wow, that was really nice?" Likewise, a different stranger could compliment you, and your reaction is, "Ugh! Why do people have to be so disgusting?!" THAT is a vibe.
Really, vibe is about attitude. Attitude is an outward reflection of your inner world. When someone's inner world is a big hot mess — angry, judgmental, manipulative, mean, or dishonest — you can usually feel it.
Working with a coach involves opening up, trusting, and accepting guidance. So, if you feel uncomfortable with a coach for any reason, moving on to someone else is okay. There's a whole world of incredible coaches who'll vibe with you. Don't settle for anything less!
Go with your gut instincts and you're sure to choose wisely.
❥ Mirrored Success
When you think about who you want to be and how you want to feel, choosing a coach who's already achieved those goals makes sense.
Who would you rather put in charge of your financial future –– someone who's broke or someone with a net worth in the millions?
Similarly, choosing a coach who exemplifies the success you want to see in your life can be a game-changer. 🪞✨
Think about it: they've already been there and accomplished that! Maybe they courageously face confrontations with good humor, kindness, and strength. Perhaps their relationships are happy and close, or their teenagers actually want to hang out with them. (WHAT is that magic – am I right?!?!)
Most coaches are, at minimum, a few years ahead of you on the path you're on. Since they've traversed the land and made good strides forward, you're likely to find them understanding, compassionate, and informed on how you, too, can cross that elusive finish line to the successes at work and home you crave.
❥ Reputation
In a world where anyone can buy followers, comments, and glowing reviews, it's essential to take a good look around a coach's world before jumping in. Read through testimonials and ask to connect with a coach's past or current clients to get a feel for how they work and if they'd be a fit for you.
Another good idea is to ask someone you trust to check out this coach and share their thoughts. Other people can often see things with fresh eyes simply because they're not attached to the outcome but merely interested in what's best for you.
If a friend sees a red flag? Take heed!
❥ Policies
Though it doesn't really matter what policies a coach has around pricing, packages, sessions, or results, it does matter that those policies feel good to you. 🙂
If something in the paperwork (or lack thereof) feels amiss, ask your potential coach about it. A true pro is ready to answer your questions and clarify why particular guidelines are in place.
❥ Test Drive
Guess what's awesome? Chocolate fudge brownies, an airline upgrading you to first class, and being able to do a one-off session with a potential coach. 😄
One-off sessions and free starter calls can be solid gold for discovering if you and a particular coach are a match. Whether free or paid, taking a possible coach for a test spin is an easy way to get informed and progress on your coaching journey.
Note that sometimes an initial session is paid, but then that cost is absorbed into your coaching package if you choose to work with that coach further.

3 Things That Happen When You and Your Coach Hang Out Like The Cool Kids 🙂↕️🤩
❥ Address Dilemmas
Whether you're feeling stuck, sad, or flaming mad, a coaching session is your time to share, explore, and uncover what you want and what's in the way of you getting there.
❥ Add Clarity
Once the dilemma is out in the open, your coach leads you through possible perspective shifts and solutions.
There are generally two styles of this. In the first style, you're gently guided to discover your own answers by answering questions posed by your coach. In the second style, a coach offers up their thoughts to provide you with the wisdom of their experience. Many coaches use a combination of both styles to ensure you get results from both your own inner wisdom and their wisdom.
❥ Arrange Action
Gaining fresh awareness about what's been in your way is one totally wonderful thing. But why stop there when you're capable of so much more?!
Most coaching sessions conclude with a simple action step to put into motion before your next session. The best part? It's tailored to you by a coach who cares that you get the results you want. Likelihood of success? 100%!

5 Places to Find an Epic Coach 👀
❥ People You Already Know
Especially those who seem to be genuinely enjoying their life or succeeding in an area you're struggling in.
❥ Social Media
Yup. Tons of coaches are offering up tips and tidbits on social. Plus, watching a few stories and reading through posts can be a helpful way to catch their vibe.
❥ The Internet
Be specific about what you're seeking. Coaching can happen over the phone or in a virtual meeting room, making the entire world your coaching oyster! Go ahead and use ye ol' internet search engine to find someone who specializes in what you want, what you're going through, or, if you prefer, someone local, where you're located.
❥ Tony Robbins
The man, the myth, the legend! (Okay, okay – Tony is very much a real person with flaws and reams like the rest of us, who, to my knowledge, has never flown a pegasus-drawn chariot through a fairy tale. Maybe that's one of his dreams, though?! Let's not stifle anyone's potential here. 😅)
Tony Robbins has been successfully coaching people around the world (including yours truly, Dr. Sue McCreadie as a Senior Leader on Team Tony!) for the past 40+ years. His methods and success rate are incredible, with luminaries such as tennis star Serena Williams, consumer advocate Erin Brockovich, and royal Princess Diana trusting his brilliance and wisdom to guide them to greater heights.
With only the best being accepted into his rigorous coach training, his Results Coaching resource is an excellent place to explore when seeking a coach.
❥ Soulfull Medicine!
You know I had to say it! 😅
As a Midlife Transformation Expert with years of training, experience, and a proprietary system for getting midlife mamas winning results, if you're feeling the vibe, you've found your coach right here.

⚠️ "Wait, Why The Heck Would I Hire a Coach? I'm a Mama, not a CEO or professional athlete.”
Coaching is about making life better. You don't have to go it alone! In fact, millions of people work with coaches to get faster, better results.
It’s also epically nice to have a time that’s just for you. To put down the burdens of the day and, at the end of your coaching session, find them much lighter than when you started. 😌
You know there’s more to life. And the difference between you and mamas who have what you want, isn’t money, fame, or time traveling to the past to make a thousand different choices.
The difference is choosing. ⚡️
Choosing to show up for yourself. Choosing to believe more is possible. Choosing to say yes to the possibility that everything is you want is meant for you, waiting for you, eagerly cheering you on as you consider that next step.
Coaches are generally people with big hearts for service, curious minds for learning, and a gift for helping others see themselves differently so they can take different action that gets them where they truly want to be.
Sure, not every coach is going to be an awesome fit for you. And that’s okay! But, many coaches are out there who’d love to help you transform your life. Your move, Mama.
Your Future's So Bright, You're Gonna Wanna Put Those Shades On! 😎
Creating a life you actually feel incredible in starts by figuring out your next step forward.
Together, you and your coach can find answers to long-sitting questions so you can get going and create a life you adore living.
When you choose to grow, ask questions, and get answers that can help you change your life, you choose the path less taken.
In a world of easy buttons and endless distractions, it's a determined spirit who takes back the reigns and lives life to the fullest. 💫 The soul-fullest, that is. 💫
So, start your engines on that next coaching step!
By this time next week, you could be ecstatic with the totally new experience you had now that old patterns are in the past and a brighter, more wholehearted present is stretched out before you.
It can be as simple as getting curious, saying yes, and showing up for the game-changing coaching sessions you wish you'd started last year!
You got this, Mama! All you need is within you now, and Soulfull Medicine is here to show you where to look!