8 Ways to Embrace Love and Let Go of Goal Pressure

So often, you're taught to push push PUSH yourself forward, even when it hurts, it's hard, or you're just plain exhausted.
Yes, sometimes pushing through is necessary — caring for a newborn, acing medical school, downing your drink before the absentminded waiter returns to ask if you’d like another, etc.
Yet so often, this high-toll approach to achievement is counterintuitive to your deeper goal: living a life that actually feels good to you.
After all, accomplishing goals is supposed to make life better. So why achieve them in a way that makes life worse?
As my enlightened spin instructor would says “Release your death grip!” In cycling, a death grip is when you clutch the handlebars for dear life, even though your feet, not your hands, are moving the pedals forward.
Death grips are a total waste of your precious energy, Mama!
In contrast, a light grip on the handlebars keeps you on the bike and in the game – so don’t let go of your grip on your goals entirely.
Sometimes, when something’s not happening on your timeline, there’s a reason. Usually, that reason is in your favor. It could be the universe nudging you towards something even better than your original plan. But hey, you’ve gotta release that death grip to receive it!
Letting go a little bit can mean opening up to a lot. An even better way forward than your original idea may be in store. But you’ve gotta release your death grip to receive it!
So, whether it’s something at work, a fitness goal, or literally anything you want that you haven’t quite achieved yet — consider loosening your grip.
There’s a way to pull yourself over the finish line with loving energy rather than pushing yourself over it with fearful energy.
8 Simple Ways to Release Your Death Grip on a Goal
it’s worth taking longer when you can enjoy the process (and your life!) along the way.
but not deadlines. Progress over perfection!
to someone you can trust about what’s going on, then ask for their guidance on reaching your goal more peacefully. People love helping and they also love you.
Sometimes, in setting out to achieve a goal, you realize there’s something else you want even more. It’s okay to change your mind and make a new choice, Mama!
Because it’s hard to tighten your grip when you’re busy grooving out to your favorite tunes.
Take a week (or six) away from the project entirely. Sometimes, all you need to reset your mindset is a well-deserved break.
Are there other ways other people accomplish this goal? Try one of their strategies out and then check in to see if that approach is truly working for you.
you’ve already made and reward yourself for being so terrific. Seriously, life is short. When it’s possible to enjoy it, do so. Many times focusing on all that isn’t distracts from all that is.
Release that death grip and let life’s pedals move you forward. Sometimes the universe’s detours are not a flat tire but a scenic route to where you need to go.
You got this Mama! All you need is within you now and Soulfull Medicine is here to show you where to look!