Get Ready to Fall in Love with This New Morning Brew

I've always been a coffee fanatic, from sneaky sips of Irish coffee as a kid to relying on caffè mochas in college.
Coffee wasn't just a drink for me but a part of my identity. Deep breath: I'm not about to tell you coffee's the villain. It's chock-full of antioxidants!
However, I kicked it to the curb 😱 (which you can do for any habit that no longer serves you – stay with me, it gets better) through the power of honesty, decision-making, and finding a suitable soul-filling replacement.
Truthfully, I embarked on a journey that wasn't initially about quitting coffee.
It began with a 4-day cleanse, sans coffee, which threw me into the throes of withdrawal – headaches, irritability, and, weirdly, muscle tension. While I wrestled with my dependency, my friend breezed through without a hint of withdrawal despite her equal (if not more-than-me) caffeine consumption!
This experience of the cleanse provided me with a painful realization: I was consuming too much coffee for my health.
Admitting that was the first step.
Deciding to redefine my identity without coffee in the name of health transformed me.

I sought alternatives that still fulfilled my morning ritual without the heavy caffeine dependency.
Enter Cacao MUD/WTR, a tasty, low-caffeine alternative that eased the transition.
Mix it with non-dairy milk for an instant chai latte. It also makes a scrumptious zero-sugar protein-rich hot chocolate when combined with Primal Kitchen's Chocolate Coconut Collagen Fuel.
(I started with the MUD/WTR Morning Ritual Starter Kit which you can snag at discount here!)
A Simple, Can't Miss Coffee Replacement Recipe
❥ Combine 1 Tbs MUD\WTR’s :rise Cacao blend and 1 scoop Primal Kitchen’s Chocolate Coconut Collagen Fuel
❥ Mix with 3/4 cup hot water
❥ Add 3/4 cup warmed or steamed milk of choice
❥ Sip and enjoy!
If you’re thinking, "Does it taste like muddy water?" I hear you. You’re not about that life. Taste is key! You’re not swapping out your beloved brew for anything.
MUD\WTR’s :rise Cacao blend mixed with the chocolate coconut collagen fuel creates chocolatey goodness without the guilt.
Who knows? You, like me, might fall in love with this new morning brew or even feel like a Zen monk sipping inner peace with this new habit. It’s possible.
So, what's your coffee?
Whatever habit you want to change, the key is understanding what it provides you (comfort, variety, connection) and then replacing it with something that meets those needs while steering you in a healthier direction.
Then, change isn't just possible; it's easy, fun, and liberating!
Plus, studies suggest that swapping out a not-so-great habit for a better one works better than just trying to quit the bad habit cold turkey.
The ability to change your life is within you Mama, Soulfull Medicine is here to help you know where to look!