S O U L F U L L   I N S I G H T S

Because life's about more than getting the laundry put away... forever


Learn simple secrets to Midlife Mama happiness.

Let the legendary Dr. Sue guide and support you as you unlock your full potential in motherhood, marriage, and mindset with bite-sized articles that inform, uplift, and inspire.

The to-do list can wait; Mama's got some reading to do...

The Random Gift Shop Purchase That Changed My Life dr. sue life spiritual sparkle


Have you ever been so captivated by something — so completely mesmerized that you’re completely absorbed by the moment and feel a bit closer to the divine? (Hello, me; every time I’m with a newborn. Gazing at those sweet babies heals my soul!)

A few years ago I had one of...

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Taming Menopause: How to Make Peace with Your Body dr. sue life midlife self-care

Breaking news!! My body’s betraying me. This meat sack and I (I’ll call her nicer names when she’s nicer to me. ) are in a serious power struggle. And somehow, against all odds, this is one battle I’ve been losing!

As a medical doctor, sure, I know what’s happening....

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Unlocking Energy: The 3 F's Impacting Your Daily Life marriage mindset motherhood


According to scientists, energy is the ability to do work. (Suddenly, it makes so much sense why Mamas need so much energy – we have a lot of work to do! )

In your body, part of the work of making you energy is done by specialized subunits in your cells called mitochondria. These tiny...

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A Life Lesson I'm Learning to Treasure dr. sue life mindset self-care


You, like me, might have the habit of giving yourself a hard time. Especially when it comes to all the things you haven't done yet. On the flip side, you might totally ignore the things you are doing by not giving yourself any credit, praise, or celebration.

If that’s where...

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My Beautiful, Unexpected Path to Faith authenticity dr. sue life spiritual sparkle

Ever feel like you're just going through the motions at church?

Like, when the pew feels more like a time-out chair than a gateway to divine connection?

I’ve been there. Recently, while volunteering in the Sunday School classroom – paintbrush in hand, colors swirling, – I was...

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How My Failure to Be Super Mom Is One of the Best Things That Ever Happened to My Kids authenticity dr. sue life motherhood

Confession: I’m a recovering perfectionist, for sure.

Back in third grade, my penmanship was so neat the teacher excused me from cursive lessons. Now? Even my family can barely read my messages. (Unless I text them! )

In my beginning days as a Mom, I would even fake enjoyment of cooking and...

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